Grid Center 2 Col

- Step 1: Please go to /admin/themes/

- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme

- Step 3: scroll to selection

Then you will see the Grid Center 2 Col on Frontend:


To view Item in Category of Grid Center 2 Col, please follow those steps:

Step 1: Please go to this link:

Step 2: Create category here:

Step 3: Please go to this link for creating Article:

Step 4: Creating Item + Adding Item into category at step 2:

Then you will see the result on Frontend:

Masonry One Col

Masonry is a JavaScript grid layout library. It works by placing elements in optimal position based on available vertical space, sort of like a mason fitting stones in a wall. To setting Masonry Portfolio on Pasific Shopify theme, please go to this link:


- Step 1: Please go to /admin/themes/

- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme

- Step 3: scroll to selection

Then you will see the Masonry Background result on Frontend:



Please follow those steps to Edit Masonry 1 Content Page:

-Step 1: Please go to this link:

Step 2:

Step 3: Go to this link:

Step 4: Fill out all of the red circle fields to create detail Portfolio Item:









- Step 1: Please go to /admin/themes/

- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme

- Step 3: scroll to selection

Then you will see the Testimonial result on Frontend:


Masonry Two Col

To setting Masonry Portfolio on Pasific Shopify theme, please go to this link:

You can edit the content of Masonry Two Col by following to Masonry One Col. The difference between theme is: Masonry One Col have a box around Display Posts. And Masonry Two Col doesn't have this box, the post is spread full screen. When editing Masonry Two, in Blog Content, you just replace the Blog Template: blog-portfolio-masonry-1 by blog-portfolio-masonry-2


- Step 1: Please go to /admin/themes/

- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme

- Step 3: scroll to selection

Then you will see the Masonry Background result on Frontend:



Please follow those steps to Edit Masonry 2 Content Page:

-Step 1: Please go to this link:

Step 2:

Step 3: Go to this link:

Step 4: Fill out all of the red circle fields to create detail Portfolio Item:









- Step 1: Please go to /admin/themes/

- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme

- Step 3: scroll to selection

Then you will see the Testimonial result on Frontend:


Masonry Three Col

To setting Masonry Portfolio on Pasific Shopify theme, please go to this link:

Masonry Four Col

To setting Masonry Portfolio on Pasific Shopify theme, please go to this link:

You can edit the content of Masonry Four Col by following to Masonry Three Col. The difference between theme is: Masonry One Col have a box around Display Posts. And Masonry Four Col doesn't have this box, the post is spread full screen. When editing Masonry Four, in Blog Content, you just replace the Blog Template: blog-portfolio-masonry-3 by blog-portfolio-masonry-4


- Step 1: Please go to /admin/themes/

- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme

- Step 3: scroll to selection

Then you will see the Masonry Background result on Frontend:



- Step 1: Please go to /admin/themes/

- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme

- Step 3: scroll to selection

Then you will see the Testimonial result on Frontend: